Portable Lifting and Pulling ToolLifts or pulls up to 1,000 lbs. (454 Kg)Replaces old-fashioned come-a-longs and chainfallsAC version perfec...
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Portable Lifting and Pulling ToolLifts or pulls up to 1,000 lbs. (454 Kg)Replaces old-fashioned come-a-longs and chainfallsAC version perfect for use where power is available
Warn 885000 120-Volt AC Corded PullzAll Winch with 15' Cable - 1000 lb Capacity - When you're in the shop and have access to a power source, just plug in PullzAll and let it help you tackle those laborintensive chores. Move heavy machinery. Hoist an engine block. Lift a load precisely into place, then nail it, weld it, whatever it. You think up the task, and PullzAll flat out revolutionizes the amount of work one man can do. Specs: Switch: Forward/reverse. Trigger: Variable speed. Power: AC 120V. Load Limiter: Electronic, with LED. Brake: Dynamic. Wire Rope: 7/32" X 15' (6mm X 4.6m). Weight: 15 lbs. (6.8 kg). Dimensions: 20" L. x 12.50" W. x 13.25" H. (.50m L. x .31m W. x .33m H.)
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