TC-Helicon Processador de efeitos vocais de reprodução ao vivo de voz

TC-Helicon Processador de efeitos vocais de reprodução ao vivo de voz  
200+ song & artist inspired presets | Plug in your MP3 player to the AUX input and sing along using Vocal Cancel feature | Room Sense - embedded misc. set auto key for harmonies | Plug in your MP3 player to the AUX input and sing along using Vocal Cancel feature

MPN: 996356005  UPC: 5706622012050  Listing: C03B13D0A6

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3places to buy. from 1,011.27R$ to 1,511.92R$ [2 used/refurbished]
05/16/2023 - Reverb 1,011.27R$
 - Used  - Illinois  [converted from usd currency] offer flagged flag +1 vote up
05/16/2023 - Music Go Round 1,061.83R$
 - Used  - Minnesota  [converted from usd currency] offer flagged flag +1 vote up
12/30/2022 - GearNuts on 1,511.92R$
 [converted from usd currency] offer flagged flag +1 vote up
Lowest Price
12/03/2024 12:34:22 [WSPG3AE4D8CC969BFED65F3C] [DM-N]
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200+ song & artist inspired presets | Plug in your MP3 player to the AUX input and sing along using Vocal Cancel feature | Room Sense - embedded misc. set auto key for harmonies | Plug in your MP3 player to the AUX input and sing along using Vocal Cancel feature
Whether youre at the top of the charts - or just a dreamer with a microphone, Voice Live Play gives you hundreds of song & artist presets to choose from, helping you create amazing vocals. Plug in your MP3 player and sing along with your favorite tracks or create instant HIT effects for your own songs.
Lowest Price
12/30/2022 -   1,511.92 BRL
 [converted from usd currency]


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12/03/2024 12:34:22 [WSPG3AE4D8CC969BFED65F3C] [DM-N]