Radial Engineering "Caixa Direta Passiva ProDI,"

Radial Engineering "Caixa Direta Passiva ProDI,"

Passive direct box | Proprietary transformer for impedance conversion and isolation | Linear from 20Hz-18kHz | Low distortion and zero phase distortion | XLR inputNoise-free and very affordable! ...

Passive direct box | Proprietary transformer for impedance conversion and isolation | Linear from 20Hz-18kHz | Low distortion and zero phase...

  • UPC: 676101035847
  • Listing: C02FAF6430
  • UPC: 676101035847
  • Listing: C02FAF6430

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BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] Illinois https://reverb.com/p/radial-prodi?hfid=504...


BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] California https://www.bananas.com/products/radial-en...

Front End Audio

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up 08/22/2024

 [converted from usd currency] South Carolina https://www.frontendaudio.com/radial-prodi...

Russo Music

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] New Jersey https://www.russomusic.com/products/radial...

BridgeSet Sound

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] Pennsylvania https://bridgesetsound.com/products/prodi?...

Instrumental Music

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] California https://instrumentalmusic.com/product/2993...

Strait Music Company

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] Texas https://www.straitmusic.com/p-8961-radial-...

Chicago Music Exchange

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] Illinois https://www.chicagomusicexchange.com/produ...

The Music Den

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] New Jersey https://themusicden.com/radial-enginering-...

Ernie Williamson Music

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] Missouri https://erniewilliamson.com/p-28536-radial...


BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] https://www.americanmusical.com/radial-pro...

Vintage King Audio

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] California https://vintageking.com/radial-engineering...

Perfect Circuit

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] California https://www.perfectcircuit.com/radial-engi...

Big Dude's Music City

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] Missouri https://www.bigdudes.com/radial-prodi-pass...


BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] New Jersey https://www.zzounds.com/item--radprodi?sii...

B&H Photo-Video-Audio

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] New York https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/384...

Guitar Center

BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] Missouri https://www.guitarcenter.com/radial-engine...


BRL 74971
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from usd currency] Indiana https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/pr...

Music Store Professional RU

BRL 77601
3.51%(+BRL 26.30 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from rub currency] Germany https://www.musicstore.com/ru_ru/rub/radia...


BRL 84493
8.88%(+BRL 68.92 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.sonoplay.fr/boite-de-direct-di...

Music Square

BRL 85404
1.08%(+BRL 9.11 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] Poland https://musicsquare.fr/149659_radial-pro-d...


BRL 88386
3.49%(+BRL 29.82 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] Poland https://muzyczny.pl/149659_radial-pro-di-d...


BRL 88386
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] Poland https://www.muziker.pl/radial-prodi-passiv...


BRL 88386
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] Poland https://www.ceneo.pl/28629234?utm_source=f...

Music Store Professional PL

BRL 88386
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] Germany https://www.musicstore.com/pl_pl/pln/radia...


BRL 88386
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] Poland https://allegro.pl/oferta/radial-pro-di-di...


BRL 89355
1.1%(+BRL 9.68 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.musicgooddeal.com/14575-radial...


BRL 89961
0.68%(+BRL 6.06 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.muziker.fr/radial-prodi-passiv...

Musik Produktiv FR

BRL 89961
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] Germany https://www.musik-produktiv.fr/radial-prod...

Terre de Son

BRL 89961
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://terredeson.com/di-et-splitters/282...


BRL 89961
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.sonovente.com/radial-pro-di-pa...

Music Store Professional FR

BRL 89961
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] Germany https://www.musicstore.com/fr_fr/eur/radia...

Bax Music FR

BRL 89961
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.bax-shop.fr/boite-de-direct/ra...


BRL 89961
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.musicmatos.com/2925-boitiers-d...


BRL 89961
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.woodbrass.com/passive-radial-p...


BRL 89961
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] Germany https://www.thomann.de/fr/radial_engineeri...


BRL 91172
1.35%(+BRL 12.11 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] https://www.cultura.com/p-radial-pro-di-bo...


BRL 91327
0.17%(+BRL 1.55 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] https://www.gear4music.fr/fr/sono-dj-and-e...


BRL 93358
2.22%(+BRL 20.31 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] UK https://www.gear4music.pl/pl/pa-dj-and-owi...

Effect On Line

BRL 94217
0.92%(+BRL 8.58 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.effect-on-line.com/24762-radia...


BRL 94546
0.35%(+BRL 3.29 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from inr currency] India https://soundglitz.com/product?cid=227&pid...


BRL 99471
5.21%(+BRL 49.25 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] Poland https://midi.pl/diboxy/19634-radial-pro-pr...


BRL 1,02413
2.96%(+BRL 29.42 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from rub currency] Russian Federation https://samid.ru/kommutatsiya/di-boksy-dis...

Star's Music

BRL 1,02730
0.31%(+BRL 3.16 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from eur currency] France https://www.stars-music.fr/radial-prodi-bo...


BRL 1,06432
3.6%(+BRL 37.02 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] Poland https://daars.pl/pozostale-urzadzenia-i-ak...

Lighting Center

BRL 1,11790
5.03%(+BRL 53.58 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] Poland https://www.lightingcenter.pl/70412-radial...


BRL 1,20073
7.41%(+BRL 82.83 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from pln currency] https://sklepmuzyczny.eu/radial-prodi-pass...


BRL 1,47162
22.56%(+BRL 270.89 )
offer flagged flag +1 vote up January 30th

 [converted from rub currency] Russian Federation https://mustore.ru/shop/radial-pro-di-full...

03/06/2025 15:53:41 [WSPG20B9A2F4A3E126183037] [DM-N]

Passive direct box | Proprietary transformer for impedance conversion and isolation | Linear from 20Hz-18kHz | Low distortion and zero phase distortion | XLR input

Noise-free and very affordable! The Radial ProDI Passive Direct Box is a high-quality, passive direct box that employs a proprietary transformer for both impedance conversion and isolation. Linear from 20Hz-18kHz, with low distortion and virtually zero phase distortion makes it perfect for live or studio performances. Because of the transformer isolation, problems such as hum and buzz caused by ground loops are eliminated, making it very easy and hassle-free to use. The Radial ProDI features 1/4" thru/input, -15dB pad, and ground lift protected from damage by a protective front panel. Heavy-duty construction, baked enamel finish, and 600-ohm balanced output. 2-1/2" x 4-1/4".

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