DONAMA "Travesseiro cervical para alívio da dor no pescoço, travesseiro de espuma viscoelástica de contorno, travesseiro ergonômico ortopédico de apoio ao pescoço para travessas laterais, costas...

Ergonomically Designed Memory Foam Pillow to Relieve your Neck and Shoulder Pain Our contour cervical memory foam pillow is an ergonomically designed pillow with a unique curve design that can evenly distribute pressure according to the sleeping postures and firmly support the head, neck and shoulder. Help you get a relaxing sleep, refresh your body. Product Features: Two Heights Design: Provide comfortable...

Listing: C03BA4B9B7

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Ergonomically Designed Memory Foam Pillow to Relieve your Neck and Shoulder Pain Our contour cervical memory foam pillow is an ergonomically designed pillow with a unique curve design that can evenly distribute pressure according to the sleeping postures and firmly support the head, neck and shoulder. Help you get a relaxing sleep, refresh your body. Product Features: Two Heights Design: Provide comfortable heights for all kinds of people, suitable for various sleeping postures. High-density Memory Foam: Slow rebound shape within a few minutes, keep the shape and firmness for long term use. Contour Design: Holds your neck at the right height, relieve soreness in your neck and spine. Central Cavity: ARC shape adapts to the head curve, makes your breathing smoother. Convex Design: Corresponds to the acupoints of the cervical spine, promotes blood circulation and avoids cervical rigidity. Innovative Wing Design: Gently reduces pressure for your wrist and arms. Washable Breathable Pillowcase: Soft, comfortable, skin-friendly and machine washable. A breathable surface lets air circulate to keep the pillow cool while you...
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April 27th -   156.65 BRL
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