AIRCARE "Umidificador comercial de 6 galões para casa inteira evaporativa com economia de espaço para salas grandes de 2.700 pés quadrados com controles digitais, umidistato automático e desligamento...

COVERAGE AREA: UP TO 2,700 SQ FT | The Space Saver uses our 1043 Super Wick (your first one is included). | Digital Controls with Auto Humidistat and Automatically Shuts Off When Desired Humidity Level is Reached or When Unit is Empty. | Trapmax Filter Technology with Protection

MPN: 831000  UPC: 0043129509665  Listing: C0DDC19409

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August 13th - Wickford Appliance 632.02R$
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August 13th - Trendy Pearls on Walmart 896.08R$
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COVERAGE AREA: UP TO 2,700 SQ FT | The Space Saver uses our 1043 Super Wick (your first one is included). | Digital Controls with Auto Humidistat and Automatically Shuts Off When Desired Humidity Level is Reached or When Unit is Empty. | Trapmax Filter Technology with Protection
Evaporative humidifiers are a great solution for adding much needed humidity to dry air in the home. By raising indoor relative humidity levels to 43% or above, 86% of airborne virus particles are rendered powerless. Maintaining proper humidity levels also helps treat flu and allergy symptoms by soothing dryness, itchiness, and irritation in the nose, nasal passages, sinuses, mouth, throat, and eyes. Many people think pet hair is the cause of allergies, but in reality, the cause of allergens from pets is actually from their dander. Adding moisture to the air reduces pet dander and other airborne allergens. Evaporative Humidification not only produces comfortable/healthy air, it is also an extremely effective way to save money on energy cost. Adding humidity to the air allows you to remain comfortable at lower thermostat settings. "The rule of thumb is that you can save about 3% on your heating bill for every degree that you set back your thermostat, " says Bill Prindle, deputy director for the non-profit American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. This means evaporative humidification could save you up to 20% on your energy...
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August 13th -   632.02 BRL
 - California  [converted from usd currency]

Phantom Tag Protector

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